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Crop Application

Soil microorganisms rebuild the soil and play a major role in soil condition improvements seen due to practices such as crop rotation, mulching and other conventional soil treatments. Most of these treatments are attempts to increase soil organic matter or humus. The most active part of this organic matter are humates, specifically humic and fulvic acids.

It has been proven that increasing the number and activity of soil microorganisms is an essential means of saving on nitrogen use.

By returning organic material to the soil, the resident bacteria, fungi and other beneficial but unseen organisms will thrive – especially along root surfaces. They feed on the organic carbon compounds and convert nutrients into available forms that can be easily taken up by plants.

Many crops, especially corn, wheat, and canola require high levels of nitrogen for optimum growth. Legume crops are able to obtain most of their needs from the air through symbiotic nitrogen fixation. This nitrogen is free if there is a good supply of beneficial microbes in the soil.

Nutrient contamination, odours, solid build-up, and soil borne diseases are not the problems – they are the symptoms of microbial and nutrient imbalances. This imbalance also makes crop plants more susceptible to disease and insect attacks. Our products work to restore a natural balance of microbial life, activating the natural biodigestion system to eliminate the cause as well as the symptoms.

The humic carbons used in the soil component of our program are natural compounds in a liquefied, concentrated form. It provides both macro and micro plant nutrients, greatly increases root system organisms, and improves trace element nutrition through chelation. Humic carbon affects the release of plant nutrients by organic decomposition, promotes soil drainage and improves the capacity for water retention by up to 95%.

The Fulvic carbons used in the foliar component of our program are blended into a solution containing added trace minerals to alleviate deficiencies in stressed or high producing crops. Poor soil conditions or environmental factors can lead to poor root development, making it impossible to collect the required nutrients for proper crop growth. In high producing crops, it may be nearly impossible to supply enough nutrients through the root system.

How Crop Pro Gold Soil & Foliar works:

  • The addition of readily available organic carbon to the soil stimulates natural soil microbes to multiply.
  • Natural soil microbes consume disease spores and residual herbicides.
  • Activity of microbes creates better soil structure, improving crumb structure and breaking up tight clay formations and hard pans.
  • Microbes and carbon work together to release locked in nutrients and make the nutrients more readily available to the plants
  • Organic compounds containing nutrients are formed that improve their uptake by plant roots.
  • Highly balanced soil with the addition of the Crop Pro Gold Soil & Foliar Program gives all crops higher yield potentials even in an optimal growing season.
  • The addition of nutrients will improve plant nutrition, increasing Brix levels, leading to healthier plants that are better able to fight off disease and insect challenges