Turf, Sod & Lawn
Golf Course Care
The program consists of 2 main components, with an additional add-on product:
Part #1: Soil Carbon Mix
- Acts as a bio-stimulant
- Promotes proper soil structure
- Reduces soil born diseases
- Extends the life of Nitrogen applications
- Improves the release of both macro and micronutrients already in the soil
- Improves water penetration & water holding capacity
Part #2: LX7 Foliar Blend
- Reduces thatch & recycles nutrients for reuse by plants
- Aids in the plants uptake of nutrients
- Helps plants expel waste
- Enables plants to better fight off disease attacks
- Aids in water and fertilizer penetration, greatly reducing burn out dry spots
Part #3: LX7 Fulvic
- Same carrier used in the LX7 Foliar Blend, minus the added micronutrients
- Acidifies spray mixes, neutralizing the basic ions found in many water sources
- Reduces thatch and recycles nutrients for reuse by turf
- Enables plants to better fight off disease attacks
- Aids in water and fertilizer penetration, greatly reducing burn out dry spots
- Suppresses diseases such as dollar spot
- Reduces snow mold damage, when applied with late fall fungicide

Program Benefits:
- Reduce current fertilizer costs by 30%
- Reduce current fungicide, herbicide and pesticide costs by 20-30%
- Reduce or eliminate current surfactant use
- Reduce amount of time spent record keeping for IPM records
- Reduce water usage by 30%
- Can be applied to entire surface, including bed and shrubs